Reader Reviews:

This is such a beautiful little book and will not just teach children about Creation but will also teach them their responsibility to take care of all God has given them. Even small children will enjoy the book because of the illustrations and the sweet flow of the words.
Readers Saying about In the name of God 2
This is such a beautiful little book and will not just teach children about Creation but will also teach them their responsibility to take care of all God has given them. Even small children will enjoy the book because of the illustrations and the sweet flow of the words.
What a great story! Beautifully written and wonderful images. The diversity of characters means my kid "saw himself" represented in one of the characters. My kids loved this story.
Readers Saying about In the name of God 2
What a great story! Beautifully written and wonderful images. The diversity of characters means my kid "saw himself" represented in one of the characters. My kids loved this story.
This book is perfect for children to read and learn about all that God says they are! The illustrations are adorable and the rhyming makes the book so fun for kids! My daughter loves repeating the last sentence of every page with me. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
Readers Saying about In the name of God 2
This book is perfect for children to read and learn about all that God says they are! The illustrations are adorable and the rhyming makes the book so fun for kids! My daughter loves repeating the last sentence of every page with me. LOVE LOVE LOVE!
This sweet book reminds our little ones just how precious they truly are. Me and my 8 year-old read it together and discussed how each of us is unique and how this book celebrates our individuality and gifts. A beautiful, important message, along with the cute and fun illustrations make this book a favorite for us!
Readers Saying about In the name of God 2
This sweet book reminds our little ones just how precious they truly are. Me and my 8 year-old read it together and discussed how each of us is unique and how this book celebrates our individuality and gifts. A beautiful, important message, along with the cute and fun illustrations make this book a favorite for us!
This was such an amazing and thought provoking read. For such a delicate topic for kids, the author beautifully and effectively expressed the importance of finding God in everything that we are, see and do.
Readers Saying about In the name of God 2
This was such an amazing and thought provoking read. For such a delicate topic for kids, the author beautifully and effectively expressed the importance of finding God in everything that we are, see and do.
Readers Saying about In the name of God 2

In the Beginning... God

A Story of Creation and Responsibility

Let there be Light!

The first four words God spoke to set in motion the beginning of His wonderful creation. From the tiniest flower to faraway planets, children and adults alike have marveled at the breathtaking beauty and intricacies of God’s divine workmanship.

God saw the darkness that stretched far and wide,
beyond what your eyes could see.

Let there be light!” God said with a shout.
“Make it shine as bright as can be!”

With playfull rhymes and brilliant illustrations, In the Beginning… God celebrates each day of creation while reminding all God’s children of their role in His magnificent one of a kind design.

Then at last, it was complete,
and time for God to rest.

“Before I do,” God said with a smile,
“I have this one request:”

In the Image of God

A Story of Identity and Value

What makes you…YOU?

Children from a young age wonder what makes them special. They wonder how they can find their unique place in a big world. Of all God’s creation, we are His masterpiece. God’s amazing qualities are planted deep inside us, just waiting to spring to life.

“For you were made in the image of God.
In the image of God, you were made.”

Filled with rhymes of affirmation and charming illustrations, In the Image of God is a beautiful reminder that our identity is found in Him. Children will be inspired to see themselves just as God made them, full of creativity, wisdom, power and love.

“You are made to soar high. The sky is the limit.
No challenge or quest is too big with you in it.”

Freddy Finds God

A Story of Meaning and Purpose

Freddy wakes up with a BIG idea. He is going to find God.
…But where could God be?

All children wonder where God might be. They desire to see Him and be part of His special plan. But how? Join Freddy on this inspiring journey, as he learns that God can be found when we care for others. Finding God is easier than we think.

With lunch in hand, Freddy begins searching the various corners of his town, certain he will find God. Freddy’s smile soon turns to a frown when he meets several people on his way, but still can’t find God. Or so he thinks. With the help of his mother, Freddy discovers that he has actually been with God all day.

Get my latest author udates & explore faith in an uplifting and thought-provoking way.

Inside each issue :
  • An Aim High spiritual insight
  • A children's book recommendation
  • An inspirational bible verse
  • A final thought
  • A question to think about

About Joe Caruso:

Joe Caruso is an award-winning author, with a passion for writing thought-provoking and inspirational children’s books.

“I hope my books will inspire children to see themselves through God’s eyes. Children, like all of us, have the potential to do whatever they set their minds to. If we see ourselves as God sees us, then all things are possible.”

Joe was born in Niagara Falls, New York, and moved with his mother and brother to the Niagara Region in Ontario, Canada, at the age of four. He married Heather, the love of his life and together they raised three incredible children. Joe is proud to say that he also has four super incredible grandchildren that he loves to bits.

Currently, Joe works as a teacher in St. Catharines, Ontario. When he’s not working or writing, Joe enjoys spending time with family and friends, listening to his music, dancing, playing guitar and travelling.

A Few of My Favourite Quotes:

“First, think. Second, dream. Third, believe. And finally, dare.”

- Walt Disney

“Children see magic because they look for it.”

- Christopher Moore

“Fairy tales do not teach children that dragons exist. Children already know dragons exist. Fairy tales teach children that dragons can be killed.”

- G.K. Chesterton

My Family

Contact Joe Caruso

Thanks for visiting this site. If you have any questions or would like to leave a comment, feel free to contact me.

Contact me


In the Image of God

“What makes you…YOU?” At the heart of this question lies our identity. Find out how God made us to reflect his image. Also, enjoy a read-aloud video of my children’s book, In the Image of God.

Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual maturity requires, that we never lose our dependence on God. But how can we be mature if we always depend on God? There’s a great Old Testament story that addresses this question.

John 3:16 - The Gospel in a Nutshell

John 3:16 is part of a conversation between Jesus and a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Nicodemus came to Jesus at night to ask him a very important question, “What must I do to be saved?” 

We Serve the God We See

However you see God, one thing is certain, the God you see will be the God you serve. Our perception always affects our judgment.

Who Are You? The Making of a Reputation

When others see us, they should see a reflection of Jesus shining through us.

Caught Between Faith and Doubt

There are times when we lose faith and begin to doubt. The pathway we once so clearly saw, becomes cluttered and hard to find. How do we move forward when we lose our way? How do we regain the faith we once had? What happens when we find ourselves caught between faith and doubt?

The Mary & Martha Continuum

Are you the type of person who likes to stop and smell the roses, or do you prefer to put your nose to the grindstone and get things done? Seeing what’s called for in a particular situation isn’t always obvious. But we can usually see what is needed when we step back and look with a clear perspective.

When God Calls, You Go

We’ve all experienced it, a sudden thought or conviction that we feel compelled to act on. We can’t dismiss this call to action, it’s something we know deep down that we must respond to. Far too often though, God’s call goes unanswered. It’s not necessarily that we say no, but as time passes we find ourselves in the same place, leaving God’s call unaddressed.

Living Water

If we find ourselves in a continuous cycle of maintaining our everyday existence, we need to ask ourselves if there’s something more meaningful we can set our sights on.

No Room at the Inn

It’s easy to get so caught up with the busyness of the season that we forget about who, the season is meant to honour. Like the innkeeper, we relegate Jesus to a small corner and get on with the busyness of our activities.

Action - The Evidence of Faith

To say we have a belief or faith in something is great, but without action, it won’t go very far.

Find Your Focus

In a world with so many opinions, standards and value systems, we need to focus on something stable to guide our thoughts and actions.