John 3:16

The Gospel in a Nutshell

By Joe Caruso Stories

John 3:16 is arguably the most popular verse in the entire Bible. It seems to show up everywhere. It’s often quoted by pastors, memorized by new believers, seen at sporting events and found on social media posts. If there’s one verse worth knowing, this is it. Why? Because this verse describes God’s plan of salvation in a nutshell. 

From the beginning, God provided a way to save his people from destruction and reconcile them back to him.

  •   God instructed Noah to build an Arc.
  •   God sent Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
  •   God told Rahab to hide the spies.
  •   God gave Queen Ester the confidence to appeal to the King.

God’s greatest demonstration of redemption, however, was when he sent his son, Jesus, to die for the sins of humanity, to defeat sin and death, and to provide a way for mankind to be united with him for eternity.  

John 3:16 is part of a conversation between Jesus and a Pharisee named Nicodemus. Nicodemus came to Jesus at night to ask him a very important question, “What must I do to be saved?” 

Being a Pharisee, Nicodemus already had a strong understanding of how to gain eternal life. Pharisees were a group of Jewish scholars and priests who were experts in the law. They were often at odds with Jesus because he taught that salvation came through faith in him alone and the Pharisees believed that salvation came through following the law.

But Nicodemus also knew that Jesus was no ordinary man. He heard the teachings of Jesus and saw the miracles he performed. Nicodemus knew God’s hand was on him in a special way.

Jesus answered Nicodemus in verse three, saying, “No one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.” This answer clearly confused Nicodemus, so he pressed Jesus further. “How can someone be born when they are old? Surely they cannot enter a second time into their mother’s womb to be born!”

Jesus and Nicodemus were talking about two different realms. Nicodemus was talking about the physical realm, while Jesus was talking about the spiritual realm.

Jesus explained to Nicodemus that everything that is known isn’t physical and that some things can only be recognized and understood in the spiritual realm.

Seeing that Nicodemus was still not understanding, Jesus referenced an Old Testament story he knew Nicodemus would be familiar with. 

The Bronze Snake

To understand the point Jesus was making, we have to go way back to the Book of Numbers, chapter 21. The Israelite people had been wandering in the wilderness for almost 40 years after Moses led them out of slavery in Egypt. Despite God’s provision and protection, the Israelites failed to trust him and complained and grumbled about God and Moses. As a result of their rebellion, God sent poisonous snakes to bite the Israelites, causing many of them to die.

When the Israelites realized they had sinned before God, they asked Moses to call out to God, for forgiveness on their behalf. After Moses prayed, God instructed him to make a bronze snake and set it on the top of a pole. Whenever an Israelite was bitten, they were to look up at the bronze snake made by Moses and they would live.

Jesus was showing Nicodemus that just like the Israelites were saved from physical death when they looked up at the bronze snake, all humanity could be saved from spiritual death by looking to Jesus. The second birth is a spiritual birth with Jesus as our source of salvation.

Jesus then concluded his conversation with the popular verse we now know as John 3:16.

Nicodemus definitely heard the plan of salvation that evening. Although the Bible doesn’t specifically say how he responded to Jesus, it does give some insights into the respect and reverence Nicodemus had for Jesus, during the remainder of his ministry.

In John 7, Nicodemus defended Jesus when his fellow Pharisees wanted to arrest him, saying that Jesus should be heard before being judged. And later in chapter 19, after Jesus’ crucifixion, Nicodemus went with Joseph of Arimathea to help with his burial. 

That’s the power of John 3:16. It’s God’s plan of salvation packed into one simple verse. The verse can be broken down into four simple parts.

  1. For God so loved the world – Our God is a loving God who loves each and every one of us.
  2. That he gave his one and only Son – Because of our sin, God made the supreme sacrifice by sending his son Jesus to die in our place.
  3. That whoever believes in him – The invitation is open to anyone who looks to Jesus and commits their life, to following him.
  4. Shall not perish but have eternal life. – Because of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, we can escape spiritual death and live united with Jesus forever.

I pray that you embrace this promise and all the power that goes with it. A beautiful way of personalizing John 3:16 is to insert your name or the name of someone you love, right into it. You can read this verse as a prayer or an inspirational blessing today!

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