Find Your Focus
By Joe Caruso Stories
One of the first things I thought about as a new author, was what I would call myself. I settled on the name Joe Caruso Stories. It was simple and to the point. The next thing I thought about was a “tagline” or slogan that I could connect to my name. I wanted this tagline to be the driving focus of everything I would think, do and write about as an author.
I landed on the words Aim High. This short little statement encompasses the direction I want to go as an author. It’s a simple phrase I use to filter everything I write about, ensuring the content I create has a consistent focus.
Aim High is a distilled version of the following bible verse found in Colossians:
In a world with so many opinions, standards and value systems, we need to focus on something stable to guide our thoughts and actions. This verse encourages exactly, this type of thinking.
To set our minds on things above is to look to something greater than ourselves. It’s to look to the ideal. As Christians, we see God as our ideal. He’s the stable foundation we build on, so when we experience the storms of life, we will not fall. He’s our trusted cornerstone and our rock.
When we set our minds on God and His ways, something interesting happens. All the world’s cares come into their proper focus. We see people differently. We see our job differently. We navigate life’s challenges differently. Our attitude begins to change. Earthly things become less overwhelming when we look at them from God’s vantage point.
It’s great to know that we serve a good God who wants what’s best for us. He is our ideal. He knows the challenges we face. Let’s keep our eyes on Him and allow God to guide our thoughts and actions. By focusing your mind on God, I hope you can see clearly how to navigate the challenges you find yourself facing today. When God is our focus, there’s nothing that’s impossible.